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NM Wraparound CARES

What is High-Fidelity Wraparound?

Wraparound is intensive care coordination that supports the services and systems a youth and family already have in place and helps identify new ones that may be needed. Wraparound is not a service. It is an approach or process of working with families that makes their existing services more effective. Wraparound is an innovative way of engaging youth and their families when previous services and interventions were unsuccessful.

  • Prioritizes Youth and Family’s Voice and Choice
  • Embraces core values when working with youth to help them achieve their vision.
  • Team Based
  • Community Based
  • Strengths Based
  • Brings supportive team members together to collaborate to meet the needs of the youth and their family.


In New Mexico, the practice of High-Fidelity Wraparound is overseen by NM Wraparound CARES, “CARES” stands for “Comprehensive, Accessible, Responsive, Effective, and Strengths-Based”. NM Wraparound CARES is led by the Children, Youth and Families Department and the New Mexico State University Center of Innovation for Behavioral Health and Wellbeing.

Current Provider Agencies

Visit our Provider Agencies Page for detailed Contact information

New Provider Application

NM Wraparound CARES is now accepting applications for New Providers. Potential Providers will be screened for meeting eligibility criteria and then complete a readiness assessment application and interview. Approved providers will enter the NM Wraparound CARES Provider Onboarding and Training Process and will be eligible to contract with New Mexico’s Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) to provide High-Fidelity Wraparound.

Read More about the New Provider Application Process and Submit Application. 


Requirements for Wraparound Facilitator Certification:

  • Complete Facilitator-In-Training application
  • Complete all Prerequisites and Training
  • Successfully complete required fidelity monitoring
  • Document 60+ hours of coaching (log(s) uploaded)
  • Successful evaluation by an Endorsed Coach
  • Pass certification exam

Read more about Wraparound Facilitator certification and how to apply.

Requirements for Wraparound Coaching Endorsement:

  • Maintain Wrapround Facilitator Certification
  • Complete Coach-in-Training application
  • Provide regular coaching and participate in debriefing with Master Coach
  • Conduct Team Observation Measures and other fidelity tools
  • Co-Facilitate a Training
  • 20+ hours of observed coaching skills

Pass Competency Panel Assessment

Current Facilitators and Coaches- High-Fidelity Wraparound Practice

Please visit Wraparound Practice page for access to documents and other resources for current facilitators and coaches

Current Provider Agencies

Visit our Provider Agencies Page for detailed Contact information

NM Wraparound CARES Training

Visit our NM Wraparound CARES Training  page for a detailed description of our current training modules

Upcoming Trainings and Events (Calendar)


NM Wraparound CARES Team

CYFD-Behavioral Health Services Staff:
  • Rosella McCaffrey, Clinical Manager
  • Arturo Calderon, Manager
  • Patricia Archuleta, Coordinator
  • Nicole Lewis, Coordinator
Center of Innovation Staff:
  • Brooke Stanley Tou, Director
  • Steve Johnson, Manager
  • Sandra Gallegos, Manager
  • Bob Brazell, Specialist
  • Alana Hancock, Coordinator